Global Mission

Global Mission
A Heart for His People

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Sometimes You Have to Be Willing to Go

 Dear Friends and Family, 

As you know, I had the amazing opportunity to attend the LIFE Conference 2022 in Orlando. It took me a while to realize how much that trip moved me. I got to learn so much more about myself and what I felt called to do. I got to spend time with some of my closest friends. We got to grow our relationship with God together. I got to know people I thought I’d never be close to. Every single relationship I have is so much stronger now so thank you for supporting me through it all because without all of you guys I never would have had that incredible experience. This year my sister and I are blessed to be able to serve inside and outside of the country. My sister will be going on a trip to Columbus, Ohio with a bunch of other middle schoolers. I’ll be going to the Dominican Republic with a group of high schoolers. Together we will be going to Tanzania with people of all ages. At times it might be hard, scary, and dangerous, but this summer will be about serving others. Every second of it will be worth it. To be able to go on these trips, we’ll be needing a lot of support. We ask you to pray for us as we prepare, serve and travel. You can write us a little message of your support. And if you’re up for it we would really appreciate donations. Do what you feel called to do. We appreciate all of it. Thanks again for your support.  ~Nnenna

To learn more and to give go to Nnenna and Amara's Summer to Serve

Our first stop is Tanzania.  

To see a glimpse of what we will be doing check out this video below.

Thank you for following along on our Summer to Serve!