Global Mission

Global Mission
A Heart for His People

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Back to School "AT HOME"

It's back to school time... Yay!!! Except, they will be back to school at home!  Covid-19 has thrown quite a few monkey wrenches into the thing we call living life.  Essentially I see it as a no breaks for mom kinda time.  I love my children, really I do, but you know...a little personal space, every once in a while would be kind of nice.  I'm sure you can relate! I learned a few weeks ago that my children will be doing school at home for the first 9 weeks of the school year.  This realistically could turn into the entire school year.  I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself  for that, you should too!  Soooo.... I am trying my very best to make the most out of the circumstance and give this year all that I've got to give the best I can for my kids.  I am a certified teacher with some years of experience so that helps, but having 4 kids in grades K, 3, 5, and 8 is quite a stretch.  I wanted to create some exciting learning spaces around my home to help start the year off in the right direction.  I implemented things that I would do in my own classroom.  This little touch helped my own children to get very excited for school to start.  That was my goal and I believe the goal was, even at home, can be very exciting! My fingers are crossed that the novelty of it all wont wear off too quickly but at least we will be off to a good start.  In my video below I wanted to share out some of the things that I have done to make the start of school exciting for my kiddos.  Feel free to watch, ask questions, share your own tips etc... We are all in this together and need each other for moral support.  

A few things I need to also say...

No matter what circumstance you find yourself in.. working, going through medical circumstances, single parent etc... hang in there!  You can do this!  Your children will remember the smiles we give them, the hugs we share with them, the words of encouragement that we bless over them.  They won't remember that we were feeling overwhelmed and inadequate.  Our kids will be fine.  Over and over be kind to yourself and give yourself grace.. lots and lots of it.  Make the most out of the situation and reach out for help. We will get through this together!