Global Mission

Global Mission
A Heart for His People

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Round 5 Take 2

Well, life has a funny way of taking unexpected detours.  My blood work came back yesterday with elevated levels of enzymes to my liver.  This is due to the impact that the chemo is having on my body.  With that at hand my chemo was halted and suggested I try again next week.  I really wanted to try to stay on schedule as much as possible so I was able to convince my doctors to retest me two days later and see if my numbers would have gone down.  So this Friday (10/28/16) I will be going back in to get my blood work retested.  If all looks well I will be treated.

In an effort to get ready for Friday, I utilized my program, Glimmer of Hope, and the service that they offer to me in the way of acupuncture.  I spoke to my acupuncturist and he was able to focus a lot on my liver in my treatment today.

:All of this has really thrown all of us off.  It has been a major feat to try and cover all of the children's schedules and the disappointments that come with the changes to my chemo schedule this time around.  Many friends and neighbors have stepped up to the plate to help us.  My sister in law has three little ones and myself 4 which means we need to cover childcare for 7 children, which we had just done on Wednesday.  That is pretty stressful.  I am most sad that I will miss my children's Pumpkin Parade at school, where they will be dressing up in their Halloween costume and parading around Frick Park.  We've been working on these costumes for some time.  Thankfully my awesome husband is going to be able to make a special surprise visit to see them.  Oh the looks on their faces when they see him.  I'm sure they will feel that warm cozy feeling in the depths of their hearts when they do connect their eyes with his.

  We did miss an event yesterday due to my chemo at Amara's school where they shared their published writing pieces.  Amara has shared twice now how she felt sad that we weren't there. That so breaks my heart but it is life and Amara knows we love her and are so proud of her.  I have given her my kiss on the palm of her hand and have told her that anytime she needs me to just take that hand and place it on her cheek and my kiss will always be with her.  She loves the thought of that.

So our rhythm is off a little and the routine is off but we will get through it.  Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get this round completed!  That is my hope.

My last blog post mentioned ways you can help.  I mentioned something about sending cards.  Well now that my schedule is all thrown off, I would like to ask for a special favor.  Next Tuesday is Nnenna's 10th birthday.  If I get chemo tomorrow (Friday) my worst day will probably hit on her birthday.  I would like to make her day as special as possible.  If you plan to send me a card, could you send it to her instead of me?  Any little added touch will surely make her day extra exciting, which in turn will bless my heart!
(3979 Brandon Rd. Pgh, PA 15212)

Please stay posted if you plan to visit me tomorrow.  I get blood work at 8 am and will know by 9am if everything is a go.  I will post updates on Facebook if its all good.

Thank you everyone for your love and support.  We truly do need it!

Amanda and the Agwuocha Family!