Global Mission

Global Mission
A Heart for His People

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

We've Made it to Round 5!

My sister will be cold capping with us this time.  She can do it!
Well friends, I have made it to round 5.  The end of this chemo madness is in sight! I can't wait!

The interesting thing about chemotherapy, for me, is that each round presents itself differently. That has made it very unpredictable in finding a rhythm to mastering the art of survival through the treatment.  I'm still trying to figure it out but that may not happen.  The not so glamorous highlights of round 4 where the attack of my taste buds.  My mouth literally felt burnt. Similar to the feeling of when you lose feeling when you sip on very hot chocolate and then your tongue feels funny. That feeling is the worst.  You can't really enjoy eating anything. One day we had wonderful babysitters come over to give my sister in law a break and we went out and just enjoyed the day.  This was about day 8 into round 4.  Lets just say I spent more time in the bathroom than browsing the clearance racks. Ugh... now that's the worst too!

Today (10/25/16) I met my plastic surgeon for the first time.  My sister, who flew in from Minnesota, got to join me for this appointment.  With her living so far away, this was such a gift to have her with me!  Thanks Julia!!! And thank you Paul and all of your friends and family for releasing her for a few days!  I've been sharing with Julia all about all the different types of reconstruction that one can get when going through all of this.  Most women choose to get implants, but I am going in a little different direction. Why not, right?  I have chosen to move forward with a a procedure known as DIEP Flap reconstruction.  Basically it is an all natural option that uses other parts of your body to take skin and fat to form new breasts.  I have plenty of flab to spare. Four kids will do that to you!  So as I have said to my family, this just may be the silver lining. Most likely they will use excess from my abdomen.  I'll take that!  Now this surgery is super intense and extensive.  It will require a 12 week recovery where I will be majorly limited.  With four kiddos that will be quite the challenge.  We are still trying to figure out how I will not hold Toben for 12 weeks.  Pray for us on that detail please. December 12 will be my surgery date.  I will first be seen by my oncologist surgeon who will perform a double mastectomy.  After she finishes her work the plastic surgeon will come in and perform the DIEP.  All in all my surgery will most likely be 10 or more hours long.  I will be in ICU for 2 days and then will most likely be in the hospital for an additional 2-5 more days.  Since my surgery will be in December, we hope to get everything ready for the holidays early and hopefully I will get the children's gifts in order before then.  On the plus side I have friends who have offered to wrap the gifts!

In the meantime these past few weeks have proved to be a whirlwind.  On October 16th, my cold capper, and wonderful sister in law, gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy. I had the privilege in helping her labor at home and time her contractions.  When she got to the hospital she was 8cm. She had a wonderful natural birth.  I am so proud of her!

Two days later, my beautiful mama went in for her second surgery to open up a 100% blocked carotid artery. She is still recovering but is in good spirits.  I love you mom!!

My awesome cousin, uncle, brother and husband have decided to gift me with...wait for it...SECOND FLOOR LAUNDRY!!!! Yes you heard me right!  So we are in the throws of remodeling a closet in our 90 year old home. Lots of fun!  I am so grateful for this, you don't even know!

To add to all of that, my third daughter, Olanna, who does occasional modeling gigs was assigned to do a photo shoot for PA Tourism just yesterday (10/24/16)  So even this week has been a whirlwind with me needing to drive her a good 3-4 hours away, staying overnight, shooting all day in the Allegheny National Forest, and did I mention it was freezing cold!  All in all it was an amazing experience and Olanna did amazing!

Looking towards our future needs here are the ways you can join us in supporting our family:

Prayer!!! I will have a follow up ultrasound and MRI on Nov. 19th.  Lets pray together for great results! I am praying for complete response! God has been teaching me through all of this that even though life has handed us some really crappy circumstances, that even in the good and the bad, it is an opportunity for Him to make himself known to me in deeper ways. His power can be shown through my hardships.  Life doesn't always have to be amazing.  Life will disappoint.  But Gods love can and will become so real through all of these hardships if you are looking for it in the right places.  Your prayer for me has helped me to stay positive, strong and rooted in my faith. Thank you!

Cards in the mail:  Yep they mean more than you know.  I am very sentimental and take every single card to heart.  It brings me right back to my relationships with each and everyone of you.  Thank you so much!!!

Cards can be sent to 3979 Brandon Rd.
                              Pittsburgh PA 15212

Like I said before, I need to really know and trust you with my babies but I will need lots of help starting from Dec 12th to prob February sometime.  If you are one who can help us in this way please reach out to me.  I would like to compile a list of helpers and then reach out to you to see where you can fit in to the schedule.

My meal train is set through to Dec 12th.  Keep your eye out for new dates to open up.  You all have been super amazing in helping us.  I honestly will remember each and every meal and from whom they were from!  Thank you! Here is the link to check out in the next few days for more dates.

I will be having my chemotherapy today (10/26/16) 8-2 most likely at the Wexford Health and Wellness Pavilion in the Cancer Center. 2311 Perry Hwy, Wexford, PA 15090
 Feel free to stop on over and say hi.  My sister will be helping me cold cap.  We posted a few funny videos of her learning the ropes of cold capping!  God bless her!

As always if you feel led to give here is the link:

Feel free to share my story.  Going through this ordeal, reading the stories of others has been so helpful!

Ok I need to catch some zzzz's  but I love you all!!! Mwah, Mwah, Mwah!!

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